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Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/24/15
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 8/24/15

Meeting Opened at: 4:15pm
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Kenn Basler and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Jill Pajka for the Monterey News, Shawn Tryon and Theresa from U.S. Bridge

At 4:15 the public notice was read and the following bids received by the 4pm deadline were read aloud for the Temporary Bridge Fabrication on New Marlboro Rd.
  • US Bridge: $94,726; The representative present noted that this was for a permanent bridge not a temporary one.
  • ADM Welding and Fabrication: $57,165
Shawn Tryon will review the quotes and recommend a decision; Scott asked that the Director of Operations work with U.S. Bridge who didn’t have the proper specifications seeing as the legal ad stated that the Select Board reserves the right to waive any informality in the bids received and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Monterey.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Steve noted that there has been a request for extra phone lines in town hall; Police (2), Assessors (2), Clerk (1) and 1 additional phone in the Administrative Assistant’s office to use for town business.  The Town still has money in the Berkshire Housing Grant Fund ($1,740.53) which could be used for this project.  Kenn and Scott didn’t have any issues as long as it didn’t cost more than what is available in the grant fund.
2.  With regards to one Selectman holding office hours at town hall, Scott wanted to make sure that if this was going to be on a regular basis the member should be careful of the appearance of a “power grab” and/or the appearance of one member making decisions for the Board.  Steve stated that while he is in the office no decisions are ever made and he is only there to assist when necessary, to work on projects he has been “assigned” by the other members and to maintain a presence.  He stated that if a Town Admininstrator were hired they would have a daily presence in town hall but would also not be capable of making decisions without the Board’s input and he feels that the only way to determine if a Town Admin is necessary is by having a presence in town hall prior to hiring an Admin to see where we might be lacking where a Town Admin may fill a void.  Steve noted that he has not heard any negative comments about his presence in town hall and has only heard positive comments.  Kenn disagreed and stated that it has come up that there is a perception of Steve trying to control things.  Scott and Kenn just wanted to make sure that the goal was still to work as a Board rather than singularly.  Steve gathered from the THSAC’s report that more of a Select Board presence was necessary in town hall and he’s trying to offer that; he’s not trying to assume any control or make any decisions without the other Board members.  Scott asked that Town Counsel, the AG’s office and the Ethics Commission be asked to weigh in on the matter.
3.  Steve reported that he has been working with govpaynet to set up the new credit card payment system however he is having difficulty getting the Treasurer to physically show up in town hall to finish the items required to be completed by her.  Scott commented that when the Board held daytime meetings it was much more efficient because things were being done during business hours; when they are done at night it puts more onuses on a member of the Board or an Administrative Assistant to follow up the following day and risk possible misinterpretation.  Steve noted his continued frustration with the Treasurer and Accountant’s availability and stated that a lot of things are people held up due to their current work schedules and continued absences.  Kenn noted that we don’t even know what things aren’t being done until after the fact when other entities become so frustrated they bring it to the Board’s attention.
4.  A motion was made to renew the equipment bid with Tryon Construction for one year with no changes.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
5.  Executive Session minutes:  Town Counsel will be asked where copies that cannot yet be released are to be stored when a Board member is the author.
6.  Kenn stated he met with counsel about whether or not there was a way around having the position of Treasurer be in the position for 3 more years if the vote passes to change it to appointed (there is not as the question to make the change has to be approved at town meeting and the annual town election and the Treasurer’s term is up this year meaning someone will need to be on the ballot should the change not pass).  Counsel suggested that we can vote to limit the number of years that a Treasurer is elected for; for instance going from 3 years to 1 year so then if the change to go to appointed does pass the person elected will become appointed after 1 year.  This will go on the planned special town meeting warrant over the winter.
7.  Kenn stated that the current temporary bridge on New Marlboro Rd is going to be purchased to be placed elsewhere in town.
8.  Steve updated the Board on his meeting with the tower company.  Varsity Wireless is currently in negotiations with Hume to place a tower on their property.  If they can arrive at a lease agreement with Hume (which was just received by Hume today) they will then immediately start the re-permitting process.  Kenn asked how this related to beginning PILOT discussions with Hume; Steve stated that the Assessors aren’t prepared for this conversation yet.
9.  Memorial Day and reconditioning of the rifles: Kenn and Julio Rodriguez are in contact with several companies and will be meeting with Smith & Wesson about the possibility of replacing the current rifles with donated ones as the general consensus is, is that the rifles we have are going to be a continuous issue.
10.  Monterey employee gathering scheduled for Sept. 9th: He suggested that it be held next door to his house instead of at the Brewery so that anyone that has a shift to work that night would still be able to attend and the invitee list should be expanded to all employees within town hall (not just department heads), the highway crew, Finance Committee and Parks Dept.  Scott offered to do the cooking or order pizzas but stated that a head count would be nice by the 2nd of September.  M. Noe was asked to send out a corrected invite and add the additional invitees.
11.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Email from Mike Germain regarding Lake Garfield and the milfoil issue.  Scott had concerns about comments made in it and whether or not the company hired did the best possible job and whether or not the recommendation to have the diver harvesting was the best recommendation.  He was also frustrated with Mike guessing that an estimated $50k would now be needed from the town for the next 5 years to eradicate the milfoil.  Discussion ensued about the management of the lake as well as what is needed to address the issues.
b.  Email confirmation from the Police Chief that the firing range on Hupi Rd is legal (this was a question that came up at the 2nd homeowner’s meeting).
12.  The Board approved the September Select Board Corner draft article.
13.  The Board would like to resume getting reports from the Chief that note where and when radar is being run on a weekly basis by which officer and how many citations and/or warnings were issued on which roads so the Board can analyze where the biggest issues with traffic and speeding is occurring and what is being done to curb it.  All 3 members unanimously approved this new policy and a memo will be drafted to give to the Chief of this when he returns from vacation.  The Board clarified that this is not micromanaging this is a request for more information so that they can make more informed decisions.
14.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
15.  Warrants were signed.

The board met with Director of Operations, Shawn Tryon to review the following:
1.  The chipper should be ready for pickup tomorrow.  The purchase was approved by the State to use Chapter 90 funds.  The culvert work was also approved.
2.  Transfer Station: Ben has been out sick but will be returning for Labor Day weekend.  The Transfer Station will be open on the Labor Day holiday (Monday) from 8 - 1.
3.  Transfer Station bid: Kenn has spoken with the AG’s office and Town Counsel and stated that there was a misunderstanding; they don’t like to see bids being broken up to avoid putting something out to bid but we can break up a project into pieces if all the pieces are still put out to bid.
4.  Poles on Sylvan Rd: Shawn has taken a look at them and at least one of them should be easy to remove but he’s anticipating issues with the others.
5.  Scott asked if we could get the salt shed painted this year; Shawn said he is working on it.
6.  RT 23 project: There will not be any paving done this year.  There will be a little more catch basin work and clean up and then they will stop work until the spring when paving will begin.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:30pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk

Documents received at this meeting:
  • MGermainemail
These are attached to the hard copy of the minutes located at town hall.